the Village

In-game screenshot of the village statistics




The overall concept for the Village to promote awareness of serious real-world issues through a virtual social simulation that is not only educational, but entertaining. This approach could be used to tackle a range of real-world issues including natural disasters, poverty, or infectious diseases. The virtual simulation could take place anywhere in the world, this one happens to take place in the Choluteca department of Honduras. In addition to being devestated by a category 5 hurricane (Mitch) in 1998, Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Look and Feel

The look and feel of the Village came directly from real reference photographs and satellite images of the area. The statistics in the game are based on location-specific research and data as much as possible. The intent is to virtually represent the real place as accurately as possible. Even the hurricane simulation following the same damage path at Hurricane Mitch did in 1998. Releasing the simulation prototype over the Internet affords to the opportunity for players from around the world to participate, or play, while they increase their awareness about this particular area.

Changing the World

In addition to the virtual simulation, the Village would eventually include a "real world" mode, where players can actually affect the real village through an advanced donation and voting system. Ideally, the local government (in the best interest of the people) would post a list of buildings (schools, hospitals, etc.) that the village needs, along with pre-approved locations where they could be built. This buildings and locations would be accessible to players through virtual representations in the simulation.

Donations and Voting

Players would then decide which building project they would like to donate money towards. Donation progress for each project will be tracked and updated in real time and, once the necessary funds are reached, that project could begin construction. Manpower, if not available from local villagers, could be contributed by non-profit organizations. Players could then track the real-world progress of the construction progress, eventually seeing the completed building in use. In this way, anyone could potentially rebuild any village in the world.