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Faculty Recruitment
Voluntary Equal Employment Opportunity Information
EEO Form 2 is the University's Voluntary Equal Employment Opportunity Information effort. Pre-addressed return envelopes are available in the Office of Equity and Diversity Services for inclusion in the acknowledgement of receipt of application letters to the candidates for the return of EEO Form 2.
We recommend the inclusion of the following statement or some variation in the letter acknowledging receipt of application from the hiring unit to the applicant:
"Enclosed please find the university's Equal Employment Opportunity information data sheet which should be sent directly to the Office of Equity and Diversity Services in the enclosed pre-addressed and franked envelope. This information will not be used in any decision-making regarding the position for which you applied. However, as a federal contractor the university is required to judge the effectiveness of our affirmative equal employment opportunity recruiting efforts and to monitor how we might improve the process. We ask that you take a moment to fill out and return the information in the envelope provided."
Before enclosing the EEO Form 2, the hiring unit should type labels or affix the applicant's name, title of the position for which the applicant applied and date to the form for ease of analysis by the OEDS.
All the EEO Form 2's are included in an automated database from which the OEDS can analyze the effectiveness of our recruitment efforts and the usefulness of the various advertising mediums in which the advertisement was placed. This will eventually allow the university to potentially save thousands of dollars in advertising monies for publications which do not do what they purport to do (i.e., add to the applicant pool).
The use of EEO Form 2 is required for all advertised positions at George Mason University.