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Faculty Recruitment
Filling a Position Vacancy
he first step in initiating the recruitment process is deciding whether the vacant position is classified, wages or faculty. If it is a classified or WAGES position, call the Human Resources department and/or refer to the HR website at http://hr.gmu.edu for recruitment procedures. If the position is a faculty position (Instructional, Research or Administrative), contact your dean, director and/or the Office of Equity and Diversity Services.
Every faculty search or recruitment effort begins with a vacant or newly created position that already has an assigned position number. The Budget Office, in conjunction with HR and/or the Provost's office, assigns position numbers to units. In rare situations, recruitments for faculty positions without pre-assigned position numbers are made based upon the permission of the Provost or other executive officer. This can occasionally happen in newly developed or assigned positions to your unit. Once a position number is assigned, it will be your responsibility to inform the OEDS.
A complete thorough recruitment/search can be conducted in as little as 4 weeks from initiation until completion. However, this assumes the following:
- Approvals at all levels have been attained
- A search committee has been appointed and the members are willing to contribute the necessary time to expedite the search process
- A staff support person has been assigned to the chair of the Search Committee and the chair of the Search Committee and the support person have met with a representative of the Office of Equity and Diversity Services to discuss the search/recruitment process
- Advertisement has been placed
- Recruiting procedures occur simultaneously (e.g., the ad is placed and the search committee has its initial meeting)