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Faculty Recruitment
Recruiting Strategies
The following are recommendations for conducting an affirmative recruitment for women and minorities:
- Search committees should familiarize themselves with the specific organizations within the discipline or field that may have minority and/or women caucuses, newsletters, publications or job banks from which they might receive applicants. Advertise vacancies in targeted publications such as Black Issues in Higher Education and Hispanic Outlook to name just two such publications.
- Involve members of the department/unit specifically women and minorities in the search process. Ask individuals who are willing to get involved in the active recruitment and advertising part of the process. Ask them for suggestions on where to publish the advertisement for maximum exposure to qualified candidates including women and minorities.
- Contact the Office of Equity and Diversity Services for lists of historically Black colleges and universities and those colleges and universities with large Hispanic and Asian populations. Job Announcements should be sent to those colleges and universities with programs similar to GMU.
- Contact professional organizations to request information about minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities in their ranks. Request mailing lists of their females and minority members. Do not forget the private sector organizations as well as academic oriented organizations.
- Utilize conferences to "network" with women, minority scholars from other colleges and universities. Ask them for recommendations of new women and minority doctoral candidates (for entry level positions) or the names of other women and minority colleagues who might be interested in working at Mason.
- Contact the Office of Equity and Diversity Services for lists of colleges and universities with large female enrollments. Job Announcements should be sent to those colleges and universities with programs similar to GMU.
Remember, good affirmative searches take time and energy. Isn't the university, your department, your students and your colleagues worth it?