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Reference Checking
Reference checking is one of the areas that generate the most problems within the search/recruitment process.
Reference checks are strongly encouraged and can be a useful tool in making your final decision. It can also be a troublesome task that leads to serious problems if not done correctly.
Reference checks can made at several places during the recruitment/search process. Some individuals prefer to have some number (usually three [3] ) of reference letters sent along with the original vita or resume and application letter.
Some individuals like to have names and numbers of references sent along with the original application materials.
Some individuals like to contact only those individuals who they would like to bring in for interview and ask for their references at that point.
Some individuals like to use a combination of approaches. Whatever you chose remember the following tips:
- Never contact someone that does not appear on the reference list of the candidate without first checking with the candidate.
- Do not call a friend or colleague that also may be employed at the same place as the candidate without asking permission from the candidate to contact that person. (Note: If the candidate does not want you to call the person you know at their current or former institution, then this could lead to a series of questions to ask the candidate and therefore lead to some insightful information.)
- Contact the candidates when you are about to call their references so that they may prepare their references for the impending call.
- Before calling the references, develop some general set of questions that you or the committee would like to ask of all references to ensure that you are collecting the same information for each candidate.
- The OEDS recommends that search committee chairs conduct the reference checks for candidates that the committee wishes to interview and that the reference check for the final candidate be conducted by the appointing authority.
The OEDS recommends that reference checking be conducted at two points in the search/recruitment process. The first reference check should occur just after the search committee has developed a list of candidates it wishes to interview and before the first candidate is interviewed. The second reference check should be of the final candidate(s) to whom the appointing authority wishes to offer the position.