Home > Faculty Recruitment > How to Optimize your Search of this Information
Faculty Recruitment
How to Optimize your Search of this Information
This information is designed to assist a department or unit in filling newly created or vacant faculty positions on the campus. It attempts to answer most of the major questions surrounding a recruitment or search. However, it does NOT answer every question that might arise. In the event of an unusual question not covered in this document, it is recommended that you contact the Office of Equity and Diversity Services at (703) 993-8730. While the faculty search process and the classified search process are parallel in intent and some procedures, they are NOT the same. This guide refers to faculty search/recruitments ONLY.
The OEDS has created a guide so that you can find most of your information quickly and easily. Go to the table of contents on the previous page and look up the topic area you are interested in understanding. Go to that section and if your question is not answered there, look at the section entitled "Procedures for Conducting an Approved Faculty Search." If the answer is still not answered to your satisfaction, call the OEDS at (703) 993-8730.
It would be nice if everyone read this booklet and followed its standards and recommendations. However, we all know that is rarely going to happen. It is unlikely that everyone is going to read every word written here despite its snappy prose and vivacious text. However, if you want to know how to conduct an effective yet legal search, please read through all of the information under the Faculty Recruitment section. Thanks and good luck in conducting your search or recruitment.
The OEDS acknowledges the EOAA Office at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University for its Faculty Search Process manual. It was an inspirational guide to this manual.