Home > Faculty Recruitment > Conducting an Approved Faculty Recruitment and Search
Faculty Recruitment
Conducting an Approved Faculty Recruitment and Search
(See Administrative Policy No. 43 and/or Appendix A-- Section III of the Faculty Handbook)
George Mason University's policy is to search or recruit for all vacant or newly created positions wherever possible. However, the OEDS is aware that it is not always possible to do this for all positions. There are circumstances when a direct appointment is possible, but these times are rare. Direct appointments should be considered only in emergencies, when time and coverage of classes are critical issues; in situations where a world-class or top-notch candidate is available to GMU; when a goal and timetable has been identified in the University's Equal Employment Opportunity Plan and a qualified woman or minority is identified to fill that goal.
All direct appointment requests must be pre-approved in writing by the Vice President of the unit where the appointment is to be made and Assistant to the President and Director of OEDS.
In all other situations, the OEDS expects the unit to search or recruit to fill vacant or newly created positions and to follow the search procedures outlined below:
Search Procedures
- Full-time Administrative/Professional and Instructional/Research Faculty
- Contact the Office of Equity and Diversity Services for pre-coded EEO Forms.
- Complete the Equal Employment Opportunity form (EEO Form 1) and submit it to the Office of Equity and Diversity Services for approval. This is done after permission to recruit has been granted by the dean or other appropriate departmental head. The advertisement should be submitted with EEO Form 1.
- Complete Applicant Data Request (EEO Form 2) in required places by the Hiring Unit and mailed to each job applicant. (Stamped envelopes are available from the Office of Equity and Diversity Services for the return of this form.)
- Complete and submit EEO Form 3 to the Office of Equity and Diversity Services for final approval after the search/screening committee has determined the candidates to whom an interview should be granted. This form must be reviewed, signed and returned to the department before any interviews are conducted.
- Complete and submit FAR/EEO Form 4* to the Associate Provost for Personnel and Budget, who reviews, and approves on behalf of the Provost's office and then forwards it to the Office of Equity and Diversity Services for final approval of the search/screening process in regard to the EEO procedures. (Please Note: No offer of employment should be made before the Assistant to the President and Director of OEDS has reviewed, signed and returned FAR/EEO Form 4.)
- EEO Form 5 is completed and returned to the Office of Equity and Diversity Services by the successful candidate prior to actually beginning work on the campus.
(* F.A.R. stands for Faculty Appointment Recommendation form)
- Part-time Instructional Faculty
- (An appointment to teach a particular course or courses or to perform some other specific academic responsibility on a part-time basis for one semester.)
- Each semester, a list of all part time instructional faculty attached to a FAR (Form 4) is forwarded to the OEDS for approval.
- George Mason University's policy is for academic departments to advertise every two (2) years to refresh the applicant pool from which they draw their adjunct or part time instructional faculty. Contact the OEDS for information.
- Restricted Faculty (All Categories)
(An appointment for full-time employment for a fixed term, supported primarily by regular university funds with no expectation of continued employment.)
- Contact the Office of Equity Diversity Services for pre-coded FAR/EEO Form 4.
- Complete and submit FAR/EEO Form 4 to the office of the Associate Provost for Personnel and Budget for approval and then forward on to the Office of Equity and Diversity Services for final approval. (Please Note: No offer of employment should be made before the Assistant to the President and Director of OEDS has reviewed, signed and returned FAR/EEO Form 4.)
- EEO Form 5 is completed and returned to the Office of Equity and Diversity Services by the successful candidate prior to actually beginning work on the campus.
- Once a search to fill a restricted faculty position occurs, the successful candidate may be re-appointed for up to a total of five (5) years in accordance with the Faculty Handbook. A FAR/EEO Form 4 is not necessary each year the individual is reappointed. However, a reappointment letter outlining the conditions under which the reappointment is occurring is required. Send copy to OEDS and the Provost's office.
For All Faculty Appointments
Please note:
- EEO Forms 1, 3 and FAR/EEO Form 4 must be submitted for approval separately. (Forms may NOT be submitted simultaneously).
- Only EEO Form 2 and EEO Form 5 may be duplicated as needed.
- The Office of Equity and Diversity Services will make every effort to process and return each form within 48 hours.
- Please be advised that any EEO Form which does not have the appropriate attachments, has been submitted on the incorrect form(s), or has not been fully completed will be immediately returned to the department.
- Each search requires a separate EEO Control number and set of forms unless the unit is searching for multiple positions with the same job responsibilities or same job title.
Familiarize yourself with the search/recruitment procedures BEFORE you begin the process. It will make the process run smoother and faster.