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Faculty Recruitment
Search Committee Briefing
It is strongly recommended that the search or recruitment committee get a briefing about some of the pitfalls and problems that might befall the process. It takes only 15 or so minutes and could save the search or recruitment committee extensive time and effort should something go amiss in the process.
A representative from the OEDS should be invited to one of the initial search or recruitment committee meetings to discuss the process that should be followed, some the "hot" problem areas of any search, and the "best practices" for conducting an effective, legal search or recruitment.
Contact the OEDS and request a search committee briefing. Most of the time we can accommodate any schedule you might have, but please contact us as early as possible as soon as you have some date in mind for the first or second search committee meeting.
Remember, the OEDS is ex-officio of all search or recruitment committees. Should a problem arise during the process, it is better to contact us as soon as you become aware of the problem rather than allowing the problem to escalate and perhaps become adversarial. The "search briefing" goes a long way to reduce the likelihood that the committee will get into difficulties.