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Affirmative Equal Employment Opportunity
George Mason University's Affirmative Equal Employment Opportunity initiatives are everyone's responsibility on campus. The responsibility for making the workforce at Mason as diverse as the student population rests not only with the Office of Equity and Diversity Services, but also with all managers and hiring officials within the university.
The student population at George Mason University is one of the most diverse student populations in the country. These students reflect the population of Northern Virginia that is one of the most diverse regional populations in the U.S. Our students demand and deserve to see faculty and staff that look just like them. Diverse faculty and staff serve as role models for students and for others, challenge them to "exceed their grasp," and ensure a plethora of viewpoints in the academic environment that prepares students to interact in an exceedingly more global society.
In order to ensure diversity and meet obligations under federal regulations as a federal contractor, the university practices Affirmative Equal Employment Opportunity initiatives. This means going beyond ensuring that candidates or applicants are treated in the same way and that the university avoid making decisions based upon race, gender, disability, etc. It also means going to great lengths to take "positive (affirmative) methods" to attract a diverse pool of applicants and then to hire those that are qualified for the position. However, diversity also has to be one of our primary goals as well.
Affirmative Equal Employment Opportunity initiatives do not require hiring unqualified personnel. These initiatives do require are special and reasonable efforts to attract and hire persons who reflect the diversity of our student population and the surrounding Northern Virginia population without discriminating against any applicant based upon their race, gender, disability, etc.
There is substantial evidence that people hire other individuals often hire individuals who look, think, and act like themselves. Affirmative Equal Employment Opportunity often requires that we break this habit. For instructional faculty positions, particularly, this means casting a wide net to search nationwide for individuals from other colleges and universities and the private sector.
The hallmark of good, affirmative efforts lies in the attracting and retaining of qualified candidates for all positions at Mason. Our students and community deserve and expect nothing less.