Home > Americans with Disabilities Act > Employment Rights and Responsibilities
Americans with Disabilities Act
Employment Rights and Responsibilities
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The employee has the right to:
- Access all university offerings, including courses, programs, services, activities, employment and facilities;
- Information reasonably available in accessible formats;
- An equal opportunity to employment;
- Receive reasonable accommodations, which may include auxiliary aids and services;
- Confidentiality of all information regarding his/her disability.
The employee has the responsibility to:
- Contact the ADA Coordinator to request accommodations;
- Identify him/herself as an individual with disability when accommodations are needed;
- Document (from an appropriate licensed professional) the impact of the disability in the employment setting;
- Document (from an appropriate licensed professional) the impact of the disability in the employment setting;
- Follow university procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodations and/or auxiliary aids and services.
George Mason University has the responsibility to:
- Provide information to individuals with disabilities in accessible formats when requested;
- Ensure that University offerings, when viewed in their entirety, are available and usable in the most integrated and appropriate setting;
- Ensure that University offerings, when viewed in their entirety, are available and usable in the most integrated and appropriate setting;
- Ensure that University offerings, when viewed in their entirety, are available and usable in the most integrated and appropriate setting;
- Maintain appropriate confidentiality of records and communications, and disclose only where permitted or required by law.
George Mason University has the right to:
- Support established standards for all University courses, programs, services, activities, employment, and facilities and the evaluation of employees on this basis;
- Request and receive current documentation supporting requests for accommodation;
- Deny a request for accommodations if documentation demonstrates an unwarranted request or if appropriate documentation is not provided;
- Select among equally effective accommodations;
- Refuse an accommodation that compromises the essential functions of the job or poses an undue hardship. Only the ADA Coordinator can make the decision to refuse an accommodation.
For more information
To learn more about your rights and responsibilities as an employee or a supervisor, to request a reasonable accommodation, or to file a complaint of discrimination, please contact:
Ruth J. Townsend, ADA Coordinator
Office of Equity and Diversity Services
D 105 Mason Hall MS 2C2
Voice: (703) 993-8730
TTY: (703) 993-8787
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